Day 7/365 - Analyse and convince yourself it can be done

The successful people often share that all it needs is for us to believe in ourselves. Believe that we can do it, and find a way. The secret to success is diligent discipline to work. It is hard work.

You see, success in Nu Skin is simple. Just transform ourselves. Be the difference demonstrated, share our results and help others find their pathway to success.

I was just telling a dear friend that what it takes to be successful in our business is to find people willing to change and do so by consuming our products. There is no get-rich-quick in our business. It is a mathematical equation. What you put in is what you get back many folds once you pass the tipping point. It is a get-rich-quicker than toiling 30 years under idiotic bosses you do not respect or see eye to eye with. It is a business where we take control of our lives... but we must pay the price. That price is to become the best best version of ourselves and help many many others achieve the same.

It is the discipline to use our AP24 toothpaste for 2 minutes twice a day. It is the hard work to consume every necessary Pharmanex supplement we chose to regain our good health, put on our skin care daily. It is that discipline to drink a trimshake and do the galvanic spa treatment whether you "feel" like it or not. It is also that necessary action to let people know we are doing Nu Skin business and how our products can help them. It is the daily grind of connecting with new people, keeping in touch with their lives and sincerely be a true friend from the heart.

Only sell what they need and what they will appreciate. Be responsible for what we say and all we do. And overcome the huge obstacle of believing in ourselves, the company and the possibilities that we, too, can be part of that exclusive Million Dollar Circle club. 1386 of them have done it. It is possible. Instead of looking at all the things that can go wrong, why not focus on doing all the right things instead?


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