A Walk. A Kidney. A Life - Kidney4Daddy

In life, we all dream about falling in love, getting married, and having bubbly kids running around. Maybe a pet dog or cat. Fast forward 20 years, and its time for the kids to graduate, work, fall in love, maybe have a few grandchildren. And tell them wonderful stories of how life used to be when you're young. How you met your partner? How life is now.. and how things have changed.

To some people, this might be all a distant dream. Life throws us a curve ball once in a while, and for my friend Idora Baharuddin, this curve ball is like a cruel joke. Her husband, Rizal Razak, was diagnosed with kidney failure 3 years ago in his early 30s. Idora and Rizal has 3 young children.

Pic by Choo Choo May, taken from Malaysian Insider

Life for them has so much uncertainty. One thing is certain though. His thrice weekly kidney dialysis estimated at between RM80-RM280 per session. That's a high of RM3360 per month. On top of daily food rations, children's expenses and everything else a family needs to spend on.

I admire Idora, for her strength and courage to continue standing strong, and creating many events to seek donations for her husband's kidney transplant which could cost up to RM200,000, amidst a long waiting list.

Please read more about her story here at Malaysian Insider, entitled "A famile battles the odds"

Do you want to help this Malaysian family?

We do. I am appealing today for all of you to come join us at Padang Merbok, on Malaysia Day. Together, we can give someone a new lease on life.

A Walk. A Kidney. A Life. Sunday, September 16 2012.

Fun Walk
Fee: RM30 per person. FREE for kids under 12
Venue: Padang Merbuk - Lake Garden - Padang Merbuk (appx 3km)

Time: 7am - 9am

Car Boot Sale
Fee: RM50 per parking lot. Limited lots.
Venue: Padang Merbuk
Time: 7am - 12noon

 TO REGISTER GO TO http://kidney4daddy.form2go.com/k4dw.html

National Kidney Foundation (NKF) is joining us to give FREE Health Screening. They will be there to conduct the screening as well as an education program on kidney disease.

The proceeds from this event will go to Kidney4Daddy Fund. Any queries please call 018 2010 530 or email kidney4daddykl@gmail.com. Check out Kidney4Daddy's facebook and help spread the news!

Hope to see you there! Thanks so much for sharing.



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