Real People, Real Results

Good morning!

Just the other day, I googled the internet for reviews on Ella Bache products; as I would like to know opinions of Ella Bache users and what they genuinely thought of the products.  Honestly, I didn’t get much information, and the product reviews vary, mostly from Australian websites. I did find this quaint little product review on Creme Tomate at Marie Claire UK’s website!


It was difficult to find local testimonials or pictures even, and then I realized; why don’t we have a campaign of our own to show case testimonials of our very own Ravissante clients and their results?

So we put on our thinking caps, and came up with this campaign called Ravissante’s Real People, Real Results; where we engage our willing clients to show off their real results from using our products and services.  You too, can be part of this campaign; subjected to our terms and conditions (do ask us about it if you’re serious in participating! Leave a comment, Facebook or email us!).

In a nutshell, participants of our Real People, Real Result campaign will undergo an 8-week intensive treatment program, and Ravissante will document their progress attentively. As I always stress, the key to beautiful skin is CONSISTENCY, and of course, together with the right products, the right treatment, the right knowledge and the right application  (which we at Ravissante will be more than willing to educate you!).

Clients will need to fully use the complete suite of Ella Bache products that is carefully selected for them twice a day; morning and night. Right from the Cleanser, Toner, Moisturiser.. everything Ella Bache! And no cheating ;) Nothing comes for free, so if you want skin good enough to eat; you have to be diligent and religious on your skin care regime! And be consistent with your weekly facial treatments too! Clients would also need to come in to Ravissante for a weekly facial treatment; where we would select the best treatment for their skin type and monitor their progress.

Excited? We are too! I cant wait to show you our results and testimonials, which would be posted on a weekly basis, so you get to see what is happening almost the same time that it is! I promise that these visuals are not edited or altered by Photoshop in any way that reduces it authenticity! Just using my 12.1 megapixel Canon IXUS 220HS Camera and my trusty Paint program; we bring you Ravissante's Real People, Real Result, using entirely just Ella Bache products; only at Ravissante The Beauty Shop, where beauty is a matter of choice, not chance :)


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