Trust and Time

I have big dreams. Dreams that fuel desires that not everyone would understand, and for many years walking the entrepreneurship path, it is a long and arduous journey. I've hurt and been hurt, made costly personal decisions, and trust me, success is NOT a destination. It is a way of life. We are either growing or deteriorating.. standing still is a slow form of deterioration. That's why, we must keep dreaming, keep finding purpose, keep achieving, and keep the momentum of success by making the right choices every moment of every day.

Sometimes, if not most of the time, we cannot see our results of labour.. that is because whatever we are architecting is incomplete. If we are certain what we want, then with the right daily actions, it is just a matter of time before our dreams become realities. Use the time to master the skills of sustainability. The bigger the desire, the more skills necessary. The promise is always granted.. but we could grasp it for a moment, or we could hone our skills to sustain it for eternity. There is a process for everything. Success is finding a good place to stay. Will you welcome it for just a moment, or would you sustain it for generations to come? You choose.

I love this quote. "The longer the wait, the bigger the promise. Time doesn't disqualify the dream, it validates it." It is a good reminder to trust ourselves and trust all that we want is finding it's way to us, though Time will disqualify the dream if we do not take action to achieve it. And Time validates the dream when we take positive, continuous improvement towards achieving our dream.

Today is always a great day to discover and become the best you. 😃😍


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