Believe in yourself, because I believe in you

I remember when I started my beauty salon business. I was young and opportunistic. I wanted the glory of "having a business".  It was rocky footing, partnership was shady, lost my best friend in the process, had many who never believed in me.. and when I started Nu Skin business, even more cold water and challenges. Entrepreneurship is tough. People always only want to associate with the successful, not knowing that to get to that point of success, there is a journey of toil that everyone has to go through. I learn that success comes to those who kept going even when the journey gets rough.. and trust me, calm seas never make good sailors. The test of a true entrepreneur is to make something out of nothing, to turn around when all odds are against us, and to rise and be the 1%. Talk is cheap. Character and perseverance is everything. Every successful person earned their right to be where they are. Success, to me, is to be emotionally, mentally, financially, spiritually and physically strong.. then we can weather whatever life throws at us. We can master sustaining any marathon and scaling any height. And then,  when that day where people who never believed in us tells everyone how they met us comes, we can decide whether we want to have these people in our lives or not.

It is an honour to be strength for someone.. to help people find their worth, especially when it is truly hard for them to believe in themselves.. but never expect them to do the same for us. Sometimes, it is a skill they never/have not mastered.

You would not know how many times in my decade of entrepreneurship I seriously wanted to give up. Giving up was the only constant option in a variable of ever changing choices, none which guarantees success.. only consistent failure. Be brave to break things. Shatter them to pieces and put them together again. Fall in love with the art of Kintsugi (repairing broken pottery with gold), and know that no matter how hard we fall, we can always climb up again. The glory is in the triumph. The harder the climb, the more worth it the prize.

Thank you for allowing me to believe in you.


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