Blessed to be with Nu Skin

I Iove my company. Best decision ever to build my own independent sales team with a highly stable, rock solid company and no ceilings. I just received a mailer from corporate (and thanks to them for taking the email & sms blasting portion off me) stating that one lumispa is sold every 3 minutes (see picture 😍). Now, that's what I call amazing. Blessed to be able to connect the masses to great products on maintaining healthy longevity and ageless beauty.

I often have people come say nonsense like "which business has little to no start-up costs.. no MLM" and it always makes  me wonder.. do these people actually understand business?

Lol. It really annoys me when people have shallow knowledge of things and deliberately discriminates. The "No MLM", and wanting to start a business with little to no upfront cost.. so you wanna make money with nothing.. then you have to SELL something. The only way money from business is made is when there is a willing buyer and a willing seller transacting. The gist of MLM is buying and selling. Money is made when there is a sale. If people are thinking MLM is to make money without someone consuming something, then they really have to go back to entrepreneurship 101.

Also, is it easier to create something of your own, spend 30 years to get it well oiled or sell something someone else created? Both ways, money is made when we SELL. The core of every business is its sales transactions. If we are not doing the selling, someone else in the company is. MLM is a business model.. a very dynamic and successful one. Most people I meet, just want to "get into business", reap the rewards of a business and not do any selling. Well.. then best not be in business. 😆😆😆

I am glad that Nu Skin as my company of choice keeps raising the bar on their end. It gives me much security to raise my bar, too. Great Day 7/365. Onwards!


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