Project Butterfly Day 3: Gratitute and holding it together

I received a call early in the morning. R, sobbing tears of joy, saying "Thank you". I dont think I did much, really...

She told me that she wants to reconnect with her family; something that she has not done for ages. I guess when you want to find yourself, you start searching for those close to you. Family.

She took the first step of taking the initiative to drive her child to school today. A small step for independence, but a huge step for empowerment! I pray that she continue to have the strength to accept the things that she cannot change, the courage to change the things that she can.. and the wisdom to know the difference

She is going shopping today! On her own accord! Doing the simple things that makes her happy.

I am glad.

Everyday when we wake up, we get enveloped with all the stressful "To do" things for the day. We busy ourselves moving about, and tire ourselves so much that we fall asleep the moment we hit the bed. Have you ever wondered what is the most important thing in your life?

I promised myself that I do not want to wake up when I am 40, thinking that I have everything, but in fact, I have nothing.

Why is it so important to have gratitude? Leo Babauta wrote the below 4 reasons back in 2007

  • Because it reminds you of the positive things in your life.
    It makes you happy about the people in your life, whether they’re loved ones or just a stranger you met who was kind to you in some ways.
  • Because it turns bad things into good things.
    Having problems at work? Be grateful you have work. Be grateful you have challenges, and that life isn’t boring. Be grateful that you can learn from these challenges. Be thankful they make you a stronger person.
  • Because it reminds you of what’s important.
    It’s hard to complain about the little things when you give thanks that your children are alive and healthy. It’s hard to get stressed out over paying bills when you are grateful there is a roof over your head.
  • Because it reminds you to thank others.
    I’ll talk about this more below, but the simple act of saying “thank you” to someone can make a big difference in that person’s life. Calling them, emailing them, stopping by to say thank you … just taking that minute out of your life to tell them why you are grateful toward them is important to them. People like being appreciated for who they are and what they do. It costs you little, but makes someone else happy. And making someone else happy will make you happy 

Read the whole article on "Why Living a Life of Gratitude Can Make You Happy"

I think its true. In our daily quest to muddle through in life, we forget the simple things.. to be thankful that we are still simply alive. Breathing. Living.

I think it is important to always be thankful. Say "Hello!" "Please" "Thank you"... and if we are in the wrong, say "Sorry" and "I love you". Funny how we cant seem to utter these words enough to the people that mean the most to us.. Now that we are more aware; we can do something about that, right?

Thank you for reading ;) Whoever you are.



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