Stay young, and grow old gracefully!

Anti aging is the current need. We all want to always stay youthful, and keep our real age a secret. If not, the thought of growing old gracefully would be a good consolation. I dont know about you, but I would prefer to anti age the natural way, without plastic or surgery. The thought of all those blotched up plastic surgery jobs put a chill down my spine, and besides.. who wants to stay with one expression for the rest of their lives? The cat woman look should stay in the movies!

Learning about the aging process would help us understand the cause of aging, and help give us an effective strategy for protecting the skin that protects you. And then we can be well in our way to always stay looking youthful and fabulous.

Our body is made up of millions of cells, each with different functions, working together. As we age, our cells ability to reproduce and function slows down

Everyday each skin cell is exposed to 73,000 damaging assaults. The FREE RADICAL THEORY OF AGING is particularly relevant to skin cells.

The unstable free radical molecules vibrate in the skin, literally poking holes in the collagen fibers (the skin’s support structure) of the dermis. After years of free radical assault, the collagen (which is a critical structural element of skin) becomes weaker and eventually causes the skin to collapse and form wrinkles. The rapid rate which skin cells divide causes a shorter life span for the cell, and as we mature, the number of skin cells in our body decreases.

Over time, the process results in our skin getting thinner and thinner. Essentially, the more skin cells in our body, and the thicker the cells are, the healthier our skin and the less wrinkles we will have.

To slow down aging, or should I say, anti age, we need to protect our skin from both outside and inside aggressors.

There are Mechanical, Biological and Environmental factors that affect the skin over time.

Mechanical Aging
  • Facial movements repeatedly over a lifetime create creases that deepen with age
  • Worry lines on forehead, frown lines between eyebrows, squint lines around eyes
  • Improper skin care (harsh cleansers, water that is too hot, etc)
  • Losing and gaining weight rapidly and repeatedly
  • Lifestyle - smoking, excessive alcohol intake, late nights

Biological Aging
  • Changes that occur naturally over time
  • Increase skin dryness from decline in oil production
  • Roughness from reduction in cell turnover
  • Natural deterioration in skin self healing caused by decrease in production of new collagen and elastin

Environmental Aging
  • Sun exposure causes many of the wrinkles associated with aging due to the damage it does to the skin’s collagen and elastin fibers (key structural components of healthy skin)
  • UVA radiation damages skin pigment cells, leading to overproduction of brown pigment and the appearance of dark splotches (liver or age spots)
  • Pollution, weather and the specific environment (changes in altitude, low humidity, wind)
  • Humid environments : increased oil production, excess perspiration, skin irritation, acne
  • Cold temperatures: increased moisture loss, dry air damages skin’s protective barrier
We might not be able to change anything biological, but we can protect ourselves against environmental aging, and avoid mechanical aging. Ah.. it is all a choice we make, and like we always say it here at Ravissante, beauty, is a matter of choice not chance.

So do you want to anti age? Do you want to always maintain a youthful appearance? Do you want to stay young and grow old gracefully? 

Take better control of the way you age. Proper and consistence maintenance, using high quality products and regular professional facial treatments will help slow down the signs of aging.

  • Make skin friendly lifestyle choices; Ravissante Facial Treatments, consistent home skin care product usage, healthy eating, nutritional supplements, drink plenty water
  • Avoid wrinkle causing behaviours to prevent future impressions
  • Repair existing fine lines and creases; supplement your skin’s natural collagen with products designed to promote collagen production
  • Shield your skin from negative effects of sun using sunscreens that provide both UVA and UVB protection
  • Comprehensive skin care program using products formulated for your specific skin type

Feel free to comment, or call us at Ravissante if you need further information to specify what products or treatments would be right for you! And with that, I hope you make that choice for your skin :) Stay young, stay beautiful! Your skin will thank you for it!


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