Day 18/365 - Drive and direction.
I was chatting with a friend in what's next in our lives. He is moving on to this new chapter of his life, and I want to create more amazing things. Then I remember this word, Velocity. Measurement of speed and direction in physics. We can go fast, but without direction, going fast is just movements to nowhere. I guess there is no ultimate right way to starting. Start whichever way you want, be it getting into the habit of taking action or planning out where exactly you want to go. Both are equally important. Without each other, efforts would be futile.
Do you know what you want in life? Do you know where you want to go? Do you know what makes you happy? What would help you be fulfilled and satisfied?
I often thought that this lingering disatisfaction was because there is something wrong with me.. but this feeling is there because I am no longer contented where I am. The disatisfaction will grow should I not be mindful about making the switch, to take corrective action instead of remaining status quo. The longer I supress my disatisfaction and stay oblivious, the louder it shouts for my attention. Growth is stimulated from people and projects. New blood and new experiences.
I truly appreciate this journey and foresight. When we are no longer surrounded by people who could drive us forward, it is time to change. Change is good. Ultimately, it is we ourselves who need to find our own paths to greatness. I, alone, decide my course of action. I hope we would always have the strength to accept all that we cannot change, have the courage to change what we can, and much wisdom to differentiate the two.
It is a beautiful day. Thank you.