Watch out for the bears
Yesterday, I was out with a dear friend of mine. He spoke of this Dutch term that literally means "I see bears on the road". Every time we have a goal to reach, all of a sudden, all we see are obstacles or "bears". Of course, it is delusional to pretend the bears are not there. That's not the way. We should learn how to overcome obstacles and keep learning to improve instead.
I am much better at handling bears. It only gets easier when you become better. There are a few major bears in our line of business. Rejection, laziness, negative confidence stealers, team members who quit and our lack of skills to manage ourselves, our sales numbers and our business partners. Yes. Entrepreneurship is NOT for everyone. Although it is true that everyone has equal opportunity to make it in my industry, not everyone will because it is hard. It takes a whole lot of emotional eloquence, business savviness, relationship building and management, patience, determination, integrity, authenticity to really learn and serve, and a whole lot of responsibility to ourselves, our clients and our team.
It is much easier to just be an employee. As an employee, one can sink comfortably in mediocrity, lay low beneath the radar - deliver enough but never more, and get by for many many years. Then upon retirement, life is no longer in your reigns. I hope your financial pipeline can sustain you till death comes. Morbid, I know.
I often tell people that life is fair. We get what we put in. Constant and consistent high effort in the right direction over time will garner high returns. Unwillingness to put in any high effort will produce substandard or no results. High effort in the wrong direction is bad too, because it is a waste of time, and will not produce the results one intended. Non-consistency and non-constant effort will NOT give good results either. So the simple law is - we get what we give. Best be concious about it!
Another thing I find really interesting as I go on in my business is that we attract who we are. Hence, best quickly become the better (if not, the best) version of ourselves so that we can attract better team members.
There are many benefits to entrepreneurship. Freedom is one of them. The ultimate freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want, and not needing to do the things you do not wish to do. The ultimate freedom to attract, mold and nurture a seed and watch it to fruitation. The meaningful ability to coach, guide and help many others with the determined desire to succeed become the success they truly are. Priceless. And with every success in cultivating great habits, Nu Skin rewards handsomely.
Every Nu Skin Million Dollar Circle member walked the same path as successful traditional business entrepreneurs. Nu Skin business is equally as challenging as any other sales business. Client and partner acquisition, development and retention is key. The major difference is that we dont have to worry about the non-sales aspects because Nu Skin has done a fantastic job on product development, leveraged compensation, incentives, awards, marketing, back end monitoring systems, automated email updates, logistics, warehousing, inventory and so much more. More importantly, the science is real, recognized and our scientists constantly delivering amazing ground-breaking innovations! We also have social responsibility foundations in place like the Force for Good, South East Asia Children's Heart Fund and Nourish the Children.
Standing from a responsible point of view, not everyone will make it to the top because while everyone can, not everyone will. Many would allow the bears on the road to scare them into inaction. They would allow fear to conquer them, and lead them off the road. It is easier to blame the company, their upline, the industry, their support system, their lack of finances or even know-how... The real fact is, for whatever reasons, people often choose what is easy over doing what is necessary and right.
Life is truly a matter of choice. Every choice will become a cause that gives birth to an effect. The effect, would then give us a choice. What we choose (or don't choose) with again cause another effect.
The benefits I have obtained from Nu Skin is good health, fantastic skin, a better mindset, a fantastic leveraged business and I am on my way to becoming the best me. It is not easy, but it is worth it. What would you choose?