Day 141/365 - Pyramid Schemes
It has long bothered me when people talk and attach negative connotations to things they have very little knowledge of. What is more mind boggling is when people just blatantly refuse to listen or learn about something new. Their minds are locked shut - for whatever reasons, and what comes out of their mouth normally are toxic.
Business/Multi Level Marketing/Sales can be for everyone. In fact, good sales people are highly sought after by companies. But not everyone has the right mindset and even fewer have the right skillsets for sales, let alone business or MLM.
There are many many levels to salesmanship. Sorta like a pyramid, too! Many are low level sales people, and they'd need to work their way up the salesmanship ladder to be a CEO. Gee .. everything seems to be a pyramid then! So why on earth do people talk about MLM or "pyramid schemes" like they are bad things?
I think I know what it is.. it's not the word that they use, it is the energy of disgust that comes along with it. The weird part of my business is, we ourselves as leaders have to have a very objective attitude. In normal corporate, people who don't match up to company standards will get fired. In MLM, we don't fire anyone. Everyone is free to be here or just go. The interesting thing about working with entrepreneurs is, respect is earned not given. Friendships are fostered through symbiotic needs. Love is cultured through long term like, know and trust. There are literally no-strings-attached. Loyalty and unity at its truest form.
I am beginning to see that there is a certain kind of people that I want on my team. There is a certain type of people who has what it takes to be successful. Grit, desire to change, flexibility to learn... and as many leaders before me mentioned countless of times; everyone wants the fruits of labour, no one wants the tedious work to plant. Success in this business desires planters. Everyone can talk.. not everyone will walk, and even fewer will walk the talk.
The beauty of our business is that we build from top down; whereas people are used to working from the bottom up. Indeed there is a "pyramid scheme" lesson here that I would like to take away. To have success in Nu Skin business, one must be willing to learn from bottom up, and build step by step from top down.
Yes. The business is for everyone, but not everyone will be successful because as easy as it is to start out business, it is also too easy to quit. Many people give up when things don't go their way. What I learn about this business is; some people we want on our team. Some we don't. Yes, we want winners. But more importantly, to be really successful in this business, we are looking for people with big dreams, big hearts and those who would go the extra mile to make things happen.
Yes.. this pyramid scheme is NOT for everyone. Neither is success, really. The most interesting thing is - this business taught me so much about practical spirituality because it is our job to see things that are not there, yet.. and believe in people for who they could be, and patiently mold them so that they can become who they should be. But only they decide if they want to transform. That's the rule of our game. Are you ready to play?