Day 111/365 - Dare to dream and take action
The beauty of today's world is that we have access to view the lives and success of many through social media. Whatever we put online is like our own magazine publication. Stories of our achievements and grace... and to some, disgraced as well.
I love social media. It also takes a lot of confidence and self worth to put ourselves out there in public view. Don't worry, we are not on celebrity status, and a far cry from being hounded by fans. Unless you're super good looking, with a hot sexy body and likes flaunting your assets, success takes time.
Social Media is a game changer though a very different ballgame. The beauty is, back just 20 years ago, those who seeked fame needed mainstream media to buy in. Today, we just need consistent trending and uploads of relevant, interesting content to build followers. Sounds easier said than done, but it all depends on intention. What's the intention we desire?
On the top of my feed this moment, is a post from Emma Carpenter, someone I follow because I deem her a superstar in my Nu Skin business. Just last year or early this year, Emma Carpenter became 1MDC, this means she was recognized with our Million Dollar Circle pin title, meaning the company has paid her a total commission of USD1million since the day she embarked on our business. I also follow another superstar from social media, who rose to fame in just 6 months to Blue Diamond. I saw her post that she is selling other brands so to each their own. All the best in her new venture.
You see, in our business, success favours action. Everyone can talk the talk. We need to walk our talk. Use great products, be the difference demonstrated, share the benefits; touch lives and connect from the heart. Intention is key.. we are here to help change lives with a superbly stable platform with no ceilings.
5 years is all she took to change her life. I have personally met leaders from Vietnam, Taiwan amd China who has done the same. 4 years to MDC. I know how far I want to go. It can be done. People have done it and I know we can achieve the same.
All it takes is confidence and know-how. I know what I want and I am willing to do what it takes. Do you?
Congratulations Emma Carpenter. Thank you for being an inspiration.