A balanced life leads to gorgeous skin!
There is a secret to having gorgeous skin, and I am telling you that it isn't THAT hard to do. Of course, I am an avid promoter of Ravissante's products and services! Back to basics however; its Healthy Eating, Drinking Water, Sleeping Well and Exercise! Ok.. dont fret. Walking, cleaning, moving around is exercise!
I've read on WebMd that "regular sleep optimizes the natural secretion of human growth hormone, which promotes cell turnover and collagen production. And exercise increases circulation and the flow of nutrients to the skin. Activities like yoga and meditation help keep stress in check, which in turn reduces the release of stress hormones that worsen conditions like acne, eczema, and rosacea. Meditating regularly may even make treatment more effective. In one study, people with psoriasis, a condition that causes itchy, scaly skin, listened to meditation tapes while they received ultraviolet light treatments. The results: They healed four times as fast as non-meditators." (http://www.webmd.com/beauty/face/tips-for-gorgeous-skin?page=3)
We've always stressed how important it is to drink water! In fact, one lady I met at a seminar once (her skin glows with radiance, mind you!) swears by drinking a glass of water every day when she wakes up! I was so impress by her skin that it became my mantra!
So, make that lifestyle change today! And trust me.. you're friends would be green with envy, and your body would thank you for it! And shhhh... that'll be our secret :)